Understanding energy storage in highly concentrated aqueous salt mixtures


Water metal interfaces have become a topic of renewed interest in the scientific community, due the recent discovery that in the presence of high concentrations of salt, electrochemical devices can be constructed that are stable over a wide range of working conditions. Using recently developed computational tools, we aim to use simulation models to study the molecular properties of highly concentrated salt solutions. By doing so, we hope to understand why these interfaces are so stable, and uncover general design principles for next generation energy storage devices that are both economically and environmentally preferable to traditional ones.

David Limmer

David Limmer
Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Benjamin Rotenberg

France PI:
Benjamin Rotenberg
Laboratoire PHENIX, Sorbonne Université

David Limmer
Benjamin Rotenberg
Publication date: 
July 1, 2018
Publication type: 
Funded Project