How to Apply
Read our program guidlines detailed information on France-Berkeley Fund awards and eligibility.
Compile the supporting materials requested below into a single PDF file, in the following order:
- Cover sheet
- Project description, in English AND in French (max 3 pages each, including references). The proposal should describe the nature of the collaboration, how the project contributes to advancing scientific knowledge and research methods within the applicants’ fields, the involvement of junior scholars (detailing their names and roles in the project), and the proposed scientific and institutional impact of the collaboration. Please also include a project timeline.
- Letter of intent (max 1 page), signed by both project coordinators, indicating their commitment to collaborate and to observe the project timeline and calendar of expenses. This letter can be either in French or in English.
- Project budget (max 1 page) indicating a breakdown of expenses by category (airfare, lodging, etc.) and other sources of funding (potential and actual).
- Curriculum vitae (max 2 pages) of each project coordinator. CVs can be either in French or in English.
- For UC Davis Applicants only: Cover letter from UCD Office of Sponsored Programs and applicant's home department (see above instructions)
Complete the online application form and upload all supporting materials before submitting.
***To assist our office, please save your supporting document PDF file with the following title format: Last Name of UC PI - Last Name of France PI - FBF Year***
January 31, 11:59pm PST. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Special Instructions for UC Davis Applicants
Before submission to the France-Berkeley Fund, all UC Davis proposals must first be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs(link is external) for review and approval. For each FBF award, UC Davis will contribute a maximum of $10,000 and Berkeley a maximum of $5,000.
Along with the materials outlined below, all UC Davis applicants must also submit a cover letter evidencing review and approval of the proposal by UC Davis Sponsored Programs, and a letter from the applicant’s home department confirming a monetary contribution equivalent to 1/3 of the total grant request. (Note: Staff or other time commitments/contributions cannot be considered a form of cost-sharing support.)
***No UC Davis proposals will be accepted without prior confirmation from the UCD Office of Sponsored Programs***
For more information, contact Denise Ehlen, Executive Associate Vice Chancellor for Research (
Office of Research
One Shields Avenue
University of California, Davis
Email us at