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May 28, 2024

Lily Shandalove interviewed Robert Braun about his research funded by

March 26, 2024

Since its inception in 1993, the France-Berkeley Fund (FBF) has fostered interdisciplinary bi-national collaborations of the highest caliber. Among its past grantees are individuals who have shaped their academic fields and are Nobel Prize laureates in several categories.

March 15, 2024

For paleontologists, there are few locations as exceptional as the Lower Omo Valley in Ethiopia. Compared to other African sites, which often will not exceed 500,000 years of a continuous fossil record, the Omo Valley truly stands out for its temporal completeness.

July 27, 2023

Plasma Photonics is a field of research that investigates the interaction between light and plasma, a special state of matter that is made up of ionized particles. Plasma is all around us, from the sun to plasma TVs, and it has unique properties that make it ideal for various applications, including particle acceleration. Caterina Riconda from the Sorbonne in Paris and Jonathan Wurtele from UC Berkeley (FBF 2022) shared their insights into this fascinating field and what drew them to it. 

The study of the Republic of Letters, the pivotal period commonly considered to have invented “intellectuals” between the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, has largely focused on European capitals and the male intellectual elite.

The 2022 French Presidential Election led to the re-election of Emmanuel Macron in a runoff against his 2017 opponent, Marine Le Pen. With candidates offering different visions for the future of France during their campaigns, two Professors have decided to study how these campaigns influenced voters. Did they lead citizens to change their voting intentions? Did they push voters to rationalize their issue preferences? These are the questions being studied by Professor Gabriel Lenz and Associate Professor Romain Lachat. 

July 26, 2023

Intergroup Solidarity and Social Integration: Micro-level evidence from the Holocaust in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Poland

Can you both introduce yourselves and talk about your academic journeys that lead you to this project? 

July 24, 2023

Intertidal coastal ecosystems are an essential part of our ecosystems. Not only are they present all over the world, but they are increasingly recognized to be as productive as tropical forests within the global carbon budget. Despite their relevance, the contribution of intertidal coastal ecosystems remains unknown and more than ever under threat from global changes. Moreover, these ecosystems are currently under threat from global changes and human activities. 

July 12, 2023

FBF is absoltuely delighted to sponsor 21 outstanding projects for 2023-24!

Congratulations to the grantees!


Project span Applied Science, Engineering, Exact Science, Humanities and Social Science and many of the projects take an interdiscipinary approach. For a full overview of this year's funded projects, click here

July 3, 2023

The wine industry is a major economic asset of California and Bordeaux, which are widely considered among the finest and most qualitative wine regions in the world. Yet, the current climate change transforms the soil quality and could affect future wine production. That is what pushed both Eoin Brodie (Deputy Director of the Climate and Ecosystems Sciences Division of the Berkeley Lab) and Myriam Schmutz (Full Professor at the Institut National Polytechnique of Bordeaux) to focus on a comparative analysis of the biogeophysics of the Californian and Bordeaux wine regions.

May 5, 2023

The concept of infinity has many applications throughout history in the fields of mathematics, philosophy, logic, and probability. New perspectives on the concept of infinity have brought together Professor Paolo Mancosu (Professor of Philosophy at UC Berkeley) and Professor Marco Panza (Director of research atthe CNRS; IHPST, CNRS and Univ. of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Professor at Chapman University).

March 4, 2023

The Colorado River is one of the major rivers in the United States and Northern Mexico, going through more than seven states and is the major water supply for many communities across Southwestern America. This is what pushed both Matthias Sprenger (Research Scientist at the Earth & Environmental Area of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and Sylvain Kuppel (Research Scientist at the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)) to focus on the water components of this infamous watercourse.

September 21, 2022

The France-Berkeley Fund is thrilled to sponsor 20 outstanding projects for 2022-23!

Congratulations to the Grantees

FBF Logo

September 20, 2022

After two years of virtual gatherings and the meetings, the France-Berkeley Fund was delighted to welcome our FBF colleagues back to UC Berkeley! 

FBF Executive Committee

December 15, 2021

by Serena Ingalls
2018 Montecito Debris Flow, California
2018 Montecito Debris Flow, California (Photo: Mike Eliason, Santa Barbara County Fire Department)

April 7, 2021

Larry M. Hyman, Professor of Linguistics and Director of the France-Berkeley Fund at UC Berkeley, has been named Chevalier in France’s prestigious Ordre des Palmes Académiques.

Larry Hyman

Professor Larry Hyman has been awarded the rank of Chevalier in the Ordre des Palmes académiques (Order of Academic Palms)

April 6, 2021

Wine is an ancient alcoholic beverage with profound historical origins. The earliest evidence of winemaking dates back to 4,100 BCE. Winemaking is a trade deeply rooted in the chemical and natural sciences, involving factors like soil quality, geography and climate, which heavily influence production. In addition to the natural sciences, what are the economic, political, and social factors at play in the conception of wine and its terroir?