Program Guidelines


Call for Projects (2025-27)

The France-Berkeley Fund invites applications for up to $15,000 in seed funding for new collaborations between faculty and research scientists at the University of California, Berkeley and their counterparts in France.

The Fund’s core mission is to advance innovative basic and applied research in all fields of study. We invite single-discipline or interdisciplinary proposals on any research topic including STEM, arts & humanities, social sciences, law, business, education, and medicine / public health. Please note that proposed research topics need not address issues particular to France or French Studies.

Priority is given to proposals that demonstrate a balanced exchange and demonstrate complementary expertise between teams; projects involving early-career researchers, graduate students, and undergraduates; projects designed to generate new research approaches and strategies; and projects likely to foster long-term connections.


The France-Berkeley Fund is open to all faculty members and researchers who hold a permanent appointment and principal investigator status at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and/or the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Proposals must be submitted jointly with a colleague who holds a permanent appointment at a French university or research institution, including professional schools, technical universities, research centers and laboratories (CNRS, INRIA, etc.), and Grandes Écoles.


Grants will be awarded on July 1 and funded projects must be completed within 24 months (by July 1 two years later). Grantees may request a one-time no-cost extension of up to 6 months. Extension requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Projects may be funded to a maximum of $15,000 (USD).

FBF grants may cover project-specific costs such as materials, supplies, and travel to enable short-term visits and exchanges between research teams. Grants may not be used to pay the salaries or stipends of any personnel on the project. Please consult program guidelines for complete details.

Click here for special instructions for UC Davis applicants. 

Application Deadline

The online application form for 2025-27 is now open. 

Applications will be due January 31, 11:59pm PST. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.