Bioinformatic identification and functional analysis of disease resistance and susceptibility genes to fungal diseases in wheat and rice


This project will address fundamental questions on the function, diversity and evolution of plant NLRs (nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat domain proteins) that are an important class of immune receptors and the main class of genes employed in crop disease resistance breeding. This collaboration between the research groups of K. Krasileva at UC Berkeley and T. Kroj at INRA Montpellier will result in exchange of expertise and joint development of standardized protocols for functional and comparative genomic investigation of NLRs.

Ksenia Krasileva

Ksenia Krasileva
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley

Thomas Kroj

France PI:
Thomas Kroj
UMR BGPI – Biologie et Genetique des Interactions Plantes-Parasites, INRA Montpellier

Ksenia Krasileva
Thomas Kroj
Publication date: 
July 1, 2019
Publication type: 
Funded Project