Funded Projects

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  • Author = UC or France PI
  • Topics = subject area
Title Author Year Publication type
The Evolution of Specificity in Parallel Pathways of Signaling in Animal Cells John Kuriyan; Jacqueline Cherfils 2020 Funded Project
The function and historical evolution of augments in the Bantu languages Peter Jenks; Mark Van de Velde 2020 Funded Project
The hidden side of Heaven: evolutionary story of Hawaiian lava caves’ wolf spiders Rosemary Gillespie; Julien Pétillon 2019 Funded Project
The impact of the pregnancy exposome on birth outcomes Brenda Eskenazi; Rémy Slama 2019 Funded Project
The Legalization of Organizational Life in France and the United States: Tensions between Individual Rights and the Collective Good Calvin Morrill; Jérome Pélisse 2020 Funded Project
The Metabolic Interface of a Globally Important Plant Disease Tiffany Lowe-Power; Caroline Baroukh 2022 Funded Project
The Social Life of the Sediment Balance: A Social and Geomorphic Approach to the Transformation of River Systems and Deltas* G. Mathias Kondolf; Giacomo Parrinello 2018 Funded Project
Tracer-informed critical zone modelling to connect water ages with hydrological resources and solute exports Matthias Sprenger; Sylvain Kuppel 2021 Funded Project
Translation of Poetry: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Timothy Hampton; Daniel Henkel 2020 Funded Project
Transnational Archiving of Sexualities: Engaging Plural Pasts Paola Bacchetta; Sandeep Bakshi 2022 Funded Project