Funded Projects

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  • Author = UC or France PI
  • Topics = subject area
Title Author Year Publication type
How can mentorship boost aspiring women entrepreneurs? Solène Delecourt; Anne Boring 2021 Funded Project
Improving interpretations of thermochronometric data through updates to modeling programs and user education David Shuster; Kerry Gallagher 2019 Funded Project
Infinity: history, philosophy, mathematics Paolo Mancosu; Marco Panza 2021 Funded Project
Intergroup Solidarity and Social Integration: Micro-level evidence from the Holocaust in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Poland Robert Braun; Claire Zalc 2022 Funded Project
Investigating the diversity and distribution of fungal viruses in soil Joanne Emerson; Christina Hazard 2021 Funded Project
Langlands duality and spectra of quantum integrable systems Edward Frenkel; David Hernandez 2020 Funded Project
Large-scale structures in anisotropic turbulence Edgar Knobloch; Benjamin Favier 2019 Funded Project
Liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy imaging of 3D structure and dynamics of human innate immune protein interactions in solution Gang (Gary) Ren; Wai Li Ling 2022 Funded Project
m3 Marvelous Micro-Motes Kris Pister; Thomas Watteyne 2020 Funded Project
Machine learning-based design of shape-morphing structures for bedsore prevention Grace Gu; Jose Bico 2022 Funded Project