Funded Projects

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  • Author = UC or France PI
  • Topics = subject area
Title Author Year Publication type
Analysis of the impacts of information-based routing on city congestion and optimal remediations Alexandre Bayen; Eric Goubault 2020 Funded Project
A system biology approach to understand the health benefits of polyphenols Patricia Oteiza; Dragan Milenkovic 2020 Funded Project
The Emergence of Public Controversies in Science, Technology & Medicine: A New Methodological Paradigm Elena Conis; Laura Draetta 2020 Funded Project
m3 Marvelous Micro-Motes Kris Pister; Thomas Watteyne 2020 Funded Project
Cylindric Partitions Sylvie Corteel; Jérémie Bouttier 2020 Funded Project
Evolution of Gustatory Preferences in Herbivorous Insects Noah Whiteman; Frédéric Marion-Poll 2020 Funded Project
Langlands duality and spectra of quantum integrable systems Edward Frenkel; David Hernandez 2020 Funded Project
The effect of culture on individual perceptual mechanisms David Whitney; Mark Wexler 2020 Funded Project
Translation of Poetry: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Timothy Hampton; Daniel Henkel 2020 Funded Project
Photo-Generated Molecule-Based Magnets David Harris; Rodolphe Clérac 2020 Funded Project